Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Clinic in Edmonton and St. Albert
“Complimentary Consultations Available”
Positive Power Plus is an experienced hypnotherapy and hypnosis clinic in Edmonton and St. Albert. Turn to us if you want to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and deal effectively with anxiety through hypnotherapy. We serve clients in Edmonton, St. Albert, and surrounding areas. Complimentary consultations are available. Get in touch with us now.
How would you like to learn how to change your thoughts to create a new reality?
With the use of hypnotherapy and life coaching, Rosa Marrazzo, CCH, CCP, will show you how to connect with the power of your mind and do exactly what you intend to do. We offer free first consultation. Contact us for more details.
“Sometimes, it’s just not feeling in control that has one wanting to hang onto the old. Be in control and know that it’s really about choices, it’s about being happy where one is and moving forward towards where one wants to be, choosing different thoughts that will assist you to change your life.”
“I help people to stop smoking, lose weight and manage stress and anxiety, heal fears and phobias, heal sexual dysfunction, build confidence, sleep better and improve sports performance, focus and concentration. I also do inner child work and past-life regression.”
Rosa Marrazzo has been in private practice since 1991. Her promise: “To deliver the tools that will allow you to see how beautiful and powerful you really are.” You can depend on our certified hypnotherapist service and life coaching services as well. Individual phone sessions are also available.
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Mission Statement
“It saddens me to see people not recognize their power and beauty, to not value themselves. My promise is to teach self-empowerment through self-love and to deliver the tools that will allow you to see how beautiful and powerful you are, as well as how to trust and use that power.”
“To confide in one’s self and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.” - Michelangelo
Reach Your Goals with Positive Power Plus
Quit smoking
Reach and maintain your perfect weight
Create the relationships of your dreams
End phobias and fears
Increase self-esteem
Melt away stress
Relieve pain
Past life regression
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy will assist you in overcoming blocks and outdated beliefs and habits
We offer you personalized affirmations recording to enjoy on a regular basis
Affirmations are positive statements that will help you overcome self-sabotaging negative thoughts
The repetition of affirmations also helps in reaching your goals and intentions and managing stress
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen” - Claude Bristol