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“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” - Voltaire

Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnotherapy in Edmonton and St. Albert

All of your questions are important to us. On this page, we have gathered some common questions about the services we provide and how they work. If you have additional questions, please contact us and never hesitate to ask! We will always respond to your queries without any unnecessary delay. We offer a complimentary initial consultation on any service.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

A hypnotherapist helps you to explore your memories and beliefs to uncover the reasons for unsupportive habits or fears. When you connect with your subconscious mind, it enables you to adjust your “internal programming” by changing beliefs about yourself that may or may not be true or by healing past events that may be hindering the present. This can only be done with your permission and can result in powerful and lasting life changes.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an empowering process. It uses guided self-hypnosis to enhance a person’s ability to be the master of their decisions and the driving force in their own life. A certified hypnotherapist helps a person to bypass their conscious, or waking, mind to access the subconscious mind, where memories and the beliefs behind attitudes and behaviours are stored. This occurs while the person is in a relaxed state of being. In this relaxed state, the individual has a heightened awareness of their internal self, while maintaining a connection with what is going on around them in the outside world. It is a natural state of being and is completely safe.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

When practiced by ethical and qualified practitioners, hypnosis is extremely safe. It is important to note that when in a hypnotized state the individual is completely in control and will not do anything that is against their values or beliefs. Although in stage hypnosis the individual seems completely out of control, the exact opposite is true. None of what happens on stage could happen without the individual’s permission.

Will You Make Me Act Like a Chicken?

Only if you want to. In all seriousness, nothing can be done without your permission.

Will I Remember My Session?

Clients that experience my sessions remember every detail of their sessions.

Is It Easy to Come out of a Hypnotic Trance?

Very easy, and most people come out of a trance feeling energized and refreshed.

Can Everyone Be Hypnotized?

The only people that cannot be hypnotized are the insane, the senile and very young children.

Can the Hypnotherapist Make Me Do Anything They Want?

No. Although relaxed, you are in full control of your mind and body and are aware of everything that is happening at all times. In stage hypnotherapy, it may seem that the therapist is in charge, but this is an illusion. Participants in those shows are aware of what they are doing and can choose to stop at any time.

What Is the Difference Between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

In hypnosis, as in hypnotherapy, the physical body is relaxed so that the individual has access to his or her subconscious mind. (The subconscious is where all of our programming is stored – just like the programming of a computer.) When using hypnosis the practitioner makes a number of repeated suggestions to modify behaviour. When using hypnotherapy the practitioner, with permission from the individual, asks the subconscious a number of questions to discover what causes certain behaviour. By dealing with or healing the cause, behaviour modification is greatly facilitated.

What Is Hypnotherapy Most Used For?

Hypnotherapy is used to modify or change behaviour. Most common uses are for:

  • Weight management

  • Becoming smoke-free

  • Substance abuse control

  • Improving memory, concentration and motivation

  • Goal achievement

  • Inner child work and regression

  • Stress reduction and relaxation techniques

  • Managing phobias and fears

How Can I Help in the Healing Process?

It is important to mention to your therapist your reactions to the sessions, no matter how unreasonable these reactions may seem. If for any reason you believe you should not continue the therapy, mention it to your therapist. Important clues may be derived from reactions, dreams and resistances that will provide an understanding of your inner conflicts and help in achieving your desired goal.

What Is My Role in My Hypnotherapy Session?

Hypnotherapy is a dialogue between a certified hypnotherapist and a client. With your consent and cooperation, the hypnotherapist will guide you on a journey within, where you will connect with your subconscious mind to make positive life changes or to reaffirm life’s path.

Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for, or replacement of any therapy for physical, mental or emotional ailments.


Positive Power Plus

2-44 St. Thomas St

St. Albert, Alberta T8N 6N8

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St. Albert and surrounding areas


By Appointment Only




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