“An external teacher is there to help you to find your internal teacher.” - Frans Steine
Stress Relief Hypnotherapy in Edmonton and St. Albert
Positive Power Plus offers stress relief hypnotherapy in Edmonton and St. Albert. Our hypnotherapy is aimed at controlling an individual’s level of chronic stress and anxiety. Get in touch with us to book an appointment or for a complimentary initial consultation.
Are you feeling stressed? Does stress stop you from enjoying your life?

Manage Stress and Anxiety
Stress is defined as a situation in which you are challenged beyond your ability to adapt. It is a type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. Positive stress is a motivator, and once we are motivated, we become unstoppable. Negative stress is the stress we feel when we are worried, anxious, frustrated, angry or afraid. Hypnotherapy helps with healing and controlling negative stress and anxiety.
Does anxiety make you freeze in fear? Does anxiety wear you down? Hypnotherapy will assist you in healing the ‘root’ of the stress and anxiety and teach you techniques that will allow you to de-stress in the moment.
Call Rosa today for a complimentary consultation. “Stress Buster Seminars” are available for groups of any size.